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The $170m fund has invested in a forestry concession in Indonesia, and plans to make a second in Indo-China early next year.
Anterra led the raise, which will see Farmobile expand its cultural base and develop new software.
Abacus Emerging Markets and state-owned KazAgro will bridge the gap between local agribusinesses and foreign investors.
Tech entrepreneur Vivek Ranadivé will lead the fund's efforts to commercialise the university's research.
SABMiller is selling the two premium brands as 3G Capital-backed InBev waits for regulatory approval for its buyout of the brewing giant.
The investment group plans to maintain the property's SFI certification and timber operations.
The re-up by Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec is part of the pension fund's strategy to draw stable, long-term returns from consumer staples.
Blue River plans to expand its precision agriculture technology to new crops in 2016.
Rabobank says in Brazil, wet weather has made production more difficult, tightening global supplies.
The head of Coller Capital argues investors should see factory farming as a risk like any other.

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