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Private Equity

Red barn: Rural American II nears close
The North American agribusiness PE fund closed on $20m earlier this week.
Investment into Unmanned Aerial Vehicles or drone technology companies is gathering pace despite regulatory restrictions.
Nearly half of respondents said their interest in agri investment stemmed from the investment returns on offer but 24 percent claimed that responsible/impact investment was key to their interest.
The Illinois-based venture capital firm plans to target up to $100m for its biggest fund yet.
The need for growth and investment translates into an $800 million a year opportunity for the PE industry in India, according to Hemendra Mathur, managing director, SEAF India Investment Advisors.
A recent report on the US pistachio crop by Rabobank has forecast a record harvest of 1 billion pounds over the next five years, despite disruption from the long drought period.
The private sector has been actively involved in the two-year negotiation process for the Principles for Responsible Investment in Agriculture and Food Systems, according to Robynne Anderson, secretariat for the International Agri-Food Network.
The family office-led fund management firm is raising capital to invest globally in its second agricultural venture.
The private equity industry is taking development issues more seriously when searching for new investments in agriculture and other sectors.
Recent dips in commodity prices have prompted speculative reports about the possible effects on US farmland values and investments. But some investment managers say this focus is too narrow.

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