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Net zero and carbon neutral concept.
Rural Bank’s latest agricultural outlook report finds that emissions will be a key focus for Australian farmers, while elevated freight costs will have a mixed impact on exports.
A field of cotton crops under a blue sky
The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission is concerned that Olam Agri’s proposed takeover of Namoi Cotton could mean higher prices for cotton growers due to reduced competition among ginners.
vineyards with red wine grapes
China’s devastating wine tariffs, changing consumer preferences and an oversupply of grapes is forcing recapitalization and compensation plans.
Water fountain
The firm has carved out an impact niche operating alongside export credit agencies and development finance institutions.
vineyards with red wine grapes
An end to Chinese import duties on Australian wine could mean the revival of a billion-dollar export market but winemakers are also mindful of the need to diversify.
Olives and olive oil
The firm had wanted an olive oil business in its portfolio since 2017 but could never find an asset with the right combination of attributes until last year’s acquisition.
potato, farm, agri
The company is a grower and packer of conventional and organic fresh produce such as potatoes, herbs and citrus fruits.
A mixed bag for 2023 looks set to continue next year – but savvy investors are still finding success.
Corn field, aerial view, farmland
Levelling out farmland prices, higher interest rates and widespread drought present prospective buyers with plenty to consider.
The vehicle has made five investments to date and plans to build out a portfolio of 20-25 companies all geared towards supporting ocean health.

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