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Binyamin Ali

Entrepreneurs and venture capitalists helped the pharmaceutical industry develop faster and cheaper drug discovery methods – a similar change is occurring in crop protection discovery, said managing partner Adam Anders.
As the pandemic heightens food security anxieties – and just-in-time supply chains suffer – we catch up with Fiera Comox’s Matthew Corbett and Boston Consulting Group’s Benjamin Subei to discuss how the outbreak will impact the asset class’s growth trajectory.
Rural road
The Canadian pension fund has launched a new strategy to access the budding landscape of agtech companies emerging across the value chain.
Perfect Day is pioneering a fermentation production process for dairy products that does not have any animal dairy content and is lactose-free.
The impact fund has a five-year investment period but OP chief investment officer Erkko Ryynänen expects it to be fully invested within three years, at which point a follow-on vehicle will be raised.
Drone spraying a field, agtech, crops
Fiera Comox’s Matthew Corbett and Boston Consulting Group’s Benjamin Subei tell Agri Investor automation and mechanization will solve several workforce issues exposed by the coronavirus.
Timberland partner Stephen Addicott says timberland prices have held steady during the pandemic, encouraging some to dispose of their assets to pursue opportunities elsewhere.
Greenhouse and wind turbine
BSIF has invested in a wide range of projects to date and has received strong backing from British pension funds, two of which have established co-investment portfolios.
Meat processing, meat plant, packaged meat
Meat-processing facilities have been identified as hot spots for coronavirus outbreaks since the early stages of the pandemic. The negative impact of this association will have long-term effects.
Investors started to re-enter the venture market in June but 'a significant amount of capital was frozen' between March and May, said Alastair Cooper.

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