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Emerging Markets

Exports of Australian wine to China fell to A$8.1m in 2023 from $1.1bn three years earlier, as tariffs effectively removed the country as a trading partner.
Toters couriers
Founded in 2017, Toters started out delivering Starbucks drinks in Beirut and is now present in 10 Iraqi cities, has organically bolted on numerous services and is trading profitably.
The Article 9 fund will invest in projects to restore forests, wetlands and mangroves in developing countries.
David Grimaud - Bamboo - Palladium
Grimaud brings a wealth of impact investing experience with him having most recently been chief executive of impact investor Symbiotics Asset Management.
Amazon river in Brazil
Mombak’s Amazon Reforestation Fund has sold 30% of its 10-year projected output at a price point bettered only by the EU’s emissions trading scheme.
The pair hope to reduce the risk for commercial financing and want to catalyze ‘hundreds of millions’ more in investments.
Tomato, greenhouse, indoor ag, CEA
Blue Road typically makes investments worth $75m or more to secure its favored controlling or influential minority positions.
Circular agriculture fields
LeapFrog Investments climate investing team co-head Nakul Zaveri says cross country collaboration in agriculture holds potential for state level leaps forward in innovation.
GHG tiles
Despite the segment’s leading contribution, it experienced a near 10% decline on H1 2022 figures while NBS removals credits account for less than one third of its total.
Urgency surrounding climate change is catalyzing efforts to create new forms of public-private partnership in agriculture that appear set to be developed outside the US.

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