We catch up with New Forests chief executive David Brand as the firm starts to deploy its A$873m third fund dedicated to the region.
MS Biotech has commercialized a product that helps cattle and dairy farmers reduce labor and forage costs by accelerating the transition to high-concentrate diets.
The manager, which hit a first close on the €50m vehicle in March, will have deployed 10% of capital gathered once the transactions complete.
Integrated NSW beef and cropping enterprise will be subject to an EOI campaign in October, allowing foreign capital to make a bid.
Stafford’s successful takeover of a $259m timber fund suggests most investors value a guaranteed exit today more than higher promised gains tomorrow.
Managing director Daniel Master says the TIAA affiliate grew the company by expanding in Latin America and argues the dairy cycle has yet to peak.
The secondaries firm expects to receive more acceptances of its hostile bid for the $259m timber vehicle after a majority of shareholders approved it last week.
The investment comes as the $9bn Sacramento pension earmarks up to 30% of an increased real assets portfolio for ag and timber by 2020.
Mercaris senior economist Ryan Koory and founder Kelle James tell Agri Investor how the support comes as US organic producers navigate changes in import and investment patterns.
New Zealand’s sovereign wealth fund has namechecked its 42% stake in Kaingaroa Timberlands as a strong performer in FY18.

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