The facility will be built in Canada, the second-largest salmon exporter to the US, and cost around $200m.
Cargill has reported an increase in net earnings driven largely by consumer demand for beef.
Peace negotiations between the government and the guerilla group Farc were already an important factor in encouraging new investment in Colombian agriculture and forestry, and investors are still relying on their ultimate success.
Contention over water sources African farmland investments can be a leading cause for conflict and means closer regulation of water consumption is needed, according to a recently-published paper.
Karen Dolenec is taking responsibility for the group after Damien Loveday, previously the head of diversifying strategies, left the firm in August.
US firm Paine & Partners has invested in the sector on the back of growing regulation and consolidation prospects.
Gladstone continues to invest in almond production, this time buying properties with well-developed trees already on-site.
Chinese buyers have snapped up more than $100bn in overseas assets this year and participants in sister publication PEI’s Asia roundtable say the appetite for foreign deals is set to grow.
James McCandless
The firm, previously known as UBS AgriVest, now has assets under management of $1.2 billion but still believes row commodity crop farmland is too expensive.
The French firm is aiming to double its funds under management in real and alternative assets by 2020.

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