Depressed commodity prices could be brought down further by Brexit market turmoil, meaning lower farmland values but better entry opportunities for investors, said USAG board chair Howard Halderman.
The firm's first fund is now 80 percent invested, having bought a series of agribusinesses companies and consolidated them.
We're taking the temperature of LPs, GPs and service providers, including agri, forestry and food investors, on what will happen following the UK's vote to leave the EU.
Short-term currency effects put US pork producers at a disadvantage to EU competitors, while long-term macro effects could hurt global demand, a university report has found.
The World Bank is financing a $125m programme to increase high value crop production in Sri Lanka.
The commitment to Conservation Forestry Capital Fund IV is the New Mexico Education Retirement Board's second investment with the firm, following a $25m investment with Fund II.
The seed and agrochemicals corporation acquired an equity stake in TargetGene and will use protein-expression technology from Nomad Bioscience in new agri products as it looks to access new technologies.
The agricultural seeds corporation has posted a decline in profits, but as it looks at consolidation options it says it sees early signs of an upswing in global agricultural markets.
Predictions for UK M&A in the second half of the year range from ‘lacklustre’ to ‘a write-off’.
It makes sense for LPs to use the secondaries market for liquidity rather than seek asset sales when it comes to Australian agri, according to the head of a Queensland-based investment firm.

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