Australian sugar and guar cropping, meat processing and aquaculture project Integrated Food and Energy Development has signed an MOU with the Queensland government to access unallocated water in the Gilbert River.
First Guardian Agriculture's Australian Agriculture Fund is now targeting A$800m and will invest across commodities and parts of the value chain.
IFC invested $3.8m into Nepalese poultry feed producer Probiotech Industries alongside the Private Sector Window of the Global Agriculture and Food Security Program.
The USDA and Farm Credit System-backed PE fund has invested $5m into Hortau, a California-based precision irrigation company.
Patricia Rodrigues has re-joined Macquarie Infrastructure and Real Assets as head of product development for agri, infrastructure, energy and real estate.
Bayer CropScience partnered with the Australia-based Grains Research & Development Corp to develop innovative weed management solutions.
The fund will focus on investing into technologies across the agri value chain that specialise on healthy living and climate change adaptation.
Social impact investor AgDevCo has established the Lending for African Farming Company with the German development bank and debt provider Root Capital to provide sub-Saharan African farming enterprises with reliable access to finance.
The African development investment firm is investing $1.8m into the scheme through its Silverlands Fund.
The venture capital investment firm has invested in EM3 AgriServices, a provider of farm operations services aimed at increasing smallholder farmer productivity by 20%.

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