This is Compass Diversified's third acquisition in the past 11 months and the first acquisition made in agribusiness.
ResponsAbility Investments is hiring an agri investment officer in Lima, Peru and a transaction officer for agri in Mumbai, India.
ADFD has issued a $50m loan to the Government of Montenegro to support agricultural development in the country.
The Department of Agriculture will help farmers, ranchers and forest landowners interested in growing new crops for biomass.
Over 200 companies within the Grow Africa Partnership committed $10bn in investment to agriculture in 12 African countries in 2014, representing a 40% increase on 2013 commitment levels.
TIAA-CREF and its subsidiary, GreenWood Resources, have launched Global Timber Resources. Investors include Swedish pension AP2 and the Greater Manchester Pension Fund.
Australian sugar and guar cropping, meat processing and aquaculture project Integrated Food and Energy Development has signed an MOU with the Queensland government to access unallocated water in the Gilbert River.
First Guardian Agriculture's Australian Agriculture Fund is now targeting A$800m and will invest across commodities and parts of the value chain.
IFC invested $3.8m into Nepalese poultry feed producer Probiotech Industries alongside the Private Sector Window of the Global Agriculture and Food Security Program.
The USDA and Farm Credit System-backed PE fund has invested $5m into Hortau, a California-based precision irrigation company.

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