Crowd Funding. Yellow Roadsign.
Some agtech companies are turning to charity fundraising to help finance their projects because regular investment into the industry remains low.
The real assets fund platform has hired Atish Babu, who previously founded and worked at Omnivore Capital, to launch a new agri investment offering.
Rice in hand - iStock
The soft commodities producer met investors in Europe two weeks ago and will start formal fundraising later this year.
Cocoa fruit
Agro Nica Holdings will launch a $40m institutional fundraise next month after recently completing an early round from family office capital.
The technology venture capital fund has raised $125m for Fund III as it narrows its focus on technology applications, away from infrastructure and analytics.
Test tube plants - iStock
The agtech business accelerator and commercialisation agent will receive funding from the Canadian government to help encourage the agtech market’s development in Canada.
Timber logs on conveyer belt - iStock
The New Zealand university has launched a fund to invest into agriculture technology in the country, funding projects such as forestry automation and biomaterials.
Invested Development, the early-stage impact fund, has invested into iProcure, a sales and inventory management software company based in Africa.
Cherries on the tree - iStock
The agri and real estate fund manager has already established two funds and is now looking for opportunities in the fruit markets of Canada and Europe.
The African agribusiness-focused firm is targeting up to $200m for Fund II and wants private sector participation to exceed Fund I’s 35% benchmark.

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