
Renee Cheung, an independent consultant, explains how to choose a suitable regenerative agriculture asset.
Louisa Burwood-Taylor, Editor, Agri Investor
A vote of confidence from large institutional investors such as TIAA-CREF and APG is good for the region’s reputation. But it could also highlight the local industry's structural weaknesses.
Climate change will be one of the biggest issues for the agriculture investment market in the next 10 years, delegates at a recent agriculture conference in London told John Giles, divisional director with Promar International.
Wonder where and why APG is (or isn't) making agri-related investments? Olav Houben and Jos Lemmens give Agri Investor the inside scoop.
Louisa Burwood-Taylor, Editor, Agri Investor
The signing of the Global Alliance for Climate-Smart Agriculture and other climate initiatives are exciting developments but expose scepticism in investors.
Louisa Burwood-Taylor, Editor, Agri Investor
While engagement with the process is encouraging, the private agri investment market is having to navigate a patchwork of responsible investment guidelines already established and still taking shape.
The developing country focus of the Principles for Responsible Investment in Agriculture and Food Systems is a bit narrow, but the principles are still significant, according to Paul McMahon, managing director at SLM Partners.
Mark Mansley, investment manager at the £2.2bn Environment Agency Pension Fund, tells Agri Investor about the fund's experience in agriculture and timber investing so far.
The need for growth and investment translates into an $800 million a year opportunity for the PE industry in India, according to Hemendra Mathur, managing director, SEAF India Investment Advisors.
Louisa Burwood-Taylor, Editor, Agri Investor
A dip in US farmland values and commodities could impact institutional investment appetite – and perhaps spark some Darwinism among buy-and-lease-focused fund managers.

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