Dillon Lorda’s departure is part of a series of recent personnel changes at the investment consulting firm.
South Africa’s agricultural sector grew 5.5% in Q1 2017 and booked a record maize crop.
The funds, raised by Advantage Capital Agribusiness Partners and other sustainability-focused investors, will enable Fishpeople Seafood to expand its product range and distribution.
The proposed budget would eliminate a $234.5m ag exports-oriented program and speciality crop grants.
The acquisition by Atlanta-based Domain includes a $1bn timberland portfolio and ends the involvement of SEC-sanctioned Timbervest executives.
Inspections by the Danish financial services authorities will become more frequent following ‘concerns’ about the alternatives investment skills of pension funds.
Harvard’s exit from its New Zealand dairy investments comes amidst personnel changes and a refinement of its approach to natural resources.
Despite having widely supported leaving the EU, British farmers are showing a loss of confidence in the sector’s future post-Brexit, an NFU survey finds.
Freight Farms converts shipping containers into internet-connected growing spaces to produce green leafy vegetables hydroponically.
The farmland REIT invested nearly $30m in six farms across North Carolina and southwestern Arizona.

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