
Khosla Ventures' Andrew Chung
Khosla partner Andrew Chung explains the firm's approach to investing in agriculture and food technology companies and how it fits with the firm's overall objectives.
Investing into the organic production of meat in Australasia is a sure way to meet China’s burgeoning demand for protein.
Early stage funding for any agriculture project can be tough but the world's development finance institutions should step up and do more, writes Paddy Docherty, chief executive of Phoenix Africa Development Company.
The drought challenging California farms and orchards illustrates that agri investors’ choices aren’t always black and white.
Agricultural businesses hoping to attract institution investment and improve their production need to look beyond traditional valuation methods, argues David Krause.
Institutional investors may be increasingly attracted to funds touting operational agri expertise – but that doesn’t mean they should disregard buy-and-lease models, especially in developed markets like Australia.
Agriculture production has a part to play in climate change and agriculture professionals should work hard to reduce greenhouse emissions for their own sake as well as the world population, argues Peter Roney, a consultant at Cambridge Associates.
Jose Minaya, head of Natural Resources & Infrastructure Investments at TIAA-CREF, gives first-time investors advice and talks about the benefit of buy-and-lease farmland holdings.
Classifying agri-investments is one of the main challenges for institutional investors considering the asset class for the first time.
Dairy cow
Southeast Australian dairy farms are starting to look increasingly attractive to investors due a pricing gap with similar farms in New Zealand, fund managers tell Agri Investor.

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